Sibshops is a place where siblings can find understanding, receive advice, and make new friends who truly get what they're going through.
In Sibshops...
Siblings of kids with special needs have an opportunity to meet and talk with other kids who have siblings with unique needs.
They will have the opportunity to talk about the good and the not-so-good parts of living with a sibling with special needs.
There is an opportunity for siblings to meet others, play games, do activities, and have snacks with new friends.
Siblings will have the opportunity to share their feelings with other kids that truly understand. Facilitators will assist in this process. As well as peer support, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about their sibling’s special needs.
We provide a safe space for siblings to express their feelings about their sibling to others: anger towards a sibling when they display behaviors that prevent the family from going on outings, sadness that their sibling may not learn as quickly as they can, worry over chronic illness of their sibling, or the special pride felt when their sibling with special needs learns a basic but important life skill after months of practice.​

Sibshops are a celebration of the many contributions made by siblings!
When To Expect Sibshops?
We are in the process of getting dates lined up for this wonderful event. Stay tuned in so you won't miss any updates for this club!