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Camp BOLD Counselors

Interested in Being a Camp Counselor? Apply Below!

We truly appreciate your interest—Camp BOLD wouldn’t be possible without our amazing counselors and group leaders! Camp is an enriching and unforgettable experience for everyone involved. As a counselor, you’ll have the opportunity to bond one-on-one with a camper throughout the week (or multiple weeks, depending on your availability).

If you’re ready to make a difference and create lasting memories, scroll down to apply below! 


If you are looking for a rewarding, life changing, outstanding summer volunteer opportunity, 

Camp BOLD is a summer camp for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Each week of camp is a new age group.  Counselors are paired 1:1 with campers while participating in camp activities such as art, music, games, Zumba, science projects, water slides, bounce houses, and snacking.  This summer camp will be a Rock n Roll theme.  Each week of camp will be called a “Show” to fit with the theme.

Join our Camp BOLD 2025 Counselors Remind
Text @2025counse to 81010.  


Show 1 - June 3 to June 5, 2025 PRESCHOOL SESSION MINI-SESSION
Camp Location – The Arc Northwest Mississippi, 6545 Elmore Road, Southaven, MS 38671
Morning Session - 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Counselor Time Commitment - 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. with a mandatory special training session on June 3 from 8:00 to 8:30 a.m.
Camp Description:  This is a high energy session.  Counselors will be on the move all the time!  We would prefer all Pre-School Session counselors by High School students or older.


Show 2 – June 9 to June 13, 2025 GRADES K-2
Camp Location – Longview Heights Baptist Church, 4501 Goodman Road, Olive Branch, MS 38654
Morning Session - 8:30 to 12:00 p.m.
Counselor Time Commitment - 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with a mandatory special training session on June 9 from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m.
Camp Description:  This is a high energy session.  Counselors will be on the move all the time!

Show 3 – June 23 to June 27, 2025 ADULTS
Camp Location – Longview Heights Baptist Church, 4501 Goodman Road, Olive Branch, MS 38654
Afternoon Session - 1:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Counselor Time Commitment - 12:30 p.m. to 5:00. p.m. with a mandatory special training session on June 23 from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m.
Camp Description:  This is a super laid-back, easy going, lower energy week.  Most campers have been attending Camp BOLD for many, many years.  This is a great session to work if you are nervous about giving camp a try for the first time.  We especially need boys for this session as most of our campers are boys.

Show 4 – July 7 to July 11, 2025 HIGH SCHOOL
Camp Location – Longview Heights Baptist Church, 4501 Goodman Road, Olive Branch, MS 38654
Afternoon Session - 1:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Counselor Time Commitment - 12:30 p.m. to 5:00. p.m. with a mandatory special training session on July 7 from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m.
Camp Description:  This session will have low and high energy moments.  High schools students enjoy socializing as well as running around.

Show 5 – July 14 to July 18, 2025 MIDDLE SCHOOL
Camp Location – Longview Heights Baptist Church, 4501 Goodman Road, Olive Branch, MS 38654
Morning Session - 8:30 to 12:00 p.m.
Counselor Time Commitment - 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with a mandatory special training session on July 14 from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m.
Camp Description:  This session will have low and high energy moments.  Middle school students enjoy socializing as well as running around.  We encourage Middle School students to work this session.

Show 6 – July 25 to July 25, 2025 GRADES 3-5
Camp Location – Longview Heights Baptist Church, 4501 Goodman Road, Olive Branch, MS 38654
Morning Session - 8:30 to 12:00 p.m.
Counselor Time Commitment - 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with a mandatory special training session on July 25 from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m.
Camp Description:  This is a high energy session.  Counselors will be on the move all the time!



  1.  What will I be doing?  

    Everything that your camper is doing.  If we are playing musical chairs, you will be helping your camper play the game.  If your camper is completing an art project, you will be helping him/her finish something beautiful to take home.  If we are having snack, you will be enjoying a snack with your camper.


  2. I saw on the application that I can sign up to be a Helper.  What does that mean?

    We often have campers that are working to transition to counselors.  The first step to making that move is being a camp helper.  We have very few helper positions in each week of camp, and we reserve them for individuals with disabilities that are spreading their wings to step up to a new responsibility.  


  3. Can adults volunteer?

    Yes, yes, yes!  We love adult volunteers.  If you are in college or already working in the adult world and you can clear your schedule during our camp program, we would love to have you.


  4. How old do I have to be to volunteer?

    All volunteers must be in middle school, and our younger counselors should limit their volunteerism to the Elementary and Middle School Session.  


  5. What if there is a day that I cannot work in the week I want to work?

    If you will need to miss a portion of a day or a whole day due to another appointment, we will work around that by bringing in a substitute counselor or pairing two campers together during that period of time.


  6.  Can I work more than 1 session?

    You should sign up for every week that you are interested in working and have the availability in your schedule.  We will limit your participation to 2 sessions.  Some of our very experienced counselors will work 3 sessions.  Camp BOLD is a very rewarding but tiring experience.  We have found over years of running Camp BOLD that at the end of a counselor's 2nd session, they are starting to get tired and need a break.


  7. I signed up for all the weeks!  How will I know what weeks I am chosen to work?

    We LOVE that enthusiasm!  We will assign everyone their sessions and pair them with campers starting in April.  We will let you know when we are done, and we will post your weeks on this webpage.


  8. There is a specific camper that I want to work with this summer.  How do I let you know?

    You can share that information on your application.  You should also let us know if there is another counselor that you must be placed with because he or she is your ride.


  9. Is this a paid position?

    We consider our counselors volunteers BUT we like to make sure that you feel appreciated.  Counselors will receive a free t-shirt a small gift card, and a few other surprise gifts.


  10. I have more questions.  What should I do?

    Send an email to or text/call 901 907 9041.  We are happy to answer all your questions.

Visit Us!


6545 Elmore Road

Southaven, MS 38671

Mailing Address


The Arc Northwest Mississippi

6545 Elmore Road

Southaven, MS 38671



Office: (662) 510-8989
Mobile: (901) 907-9041


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